This was part of transcript of Charlie Rose interview with Mark Cuban: 

Rose: One basketball question. I’m doing a profile of Jeremy Lin. What do you think of Jeremy Lin?

Cuban: The Mavs were the first team to sign him as a free agent, and we loved him. He’s a kid that was fearless. He was obviously smart having got into Harvard. He was a lot more athletic than people expected. We really looked at him as a potential as another Steve Nash. We wanted to sign for summer league, wanted to sign him to a contract for the Mavs, but he wanted to go play close to home and he grew up in the Bay Area so he went to sign with the Golden State Warriors and the rest is history.

Rose: Can he be another Steve Nash?

Cuban: Yeah, he absolutely can. He’s that good. He’s got that type of talent. But, part of what made Steve Nash great, when Nash went from the Mavericks to the Suns and became MVP, it was a system that he just excelled at. So, Jeremy has got to play in the right environment with the right players and he can be a star.

10 responses
I read that comment before, but wasn't this long time ago, right after the Linsanity. I doubt that Cuban thinks the same now. What do you think?
Yes that was 2012. And yes I do believe he feels same way, maybe even stronger because of how Lin's game has matured, how his defense has become strong. Plus Mavs have 3 players Lin's been teammates of, Chandler Parsons, Tyson Chandler, Amare Stoudemaire. All will recommend Lin strongly to Cuban--if Rondo, as expected signs elsewhere.
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